Lies Sleeping Aaronovitch Epub

14.10.2019by admin
Lies Sleeping Aaronovitch Epub Average ratng: 4,5/5 3947 reviews

About Lies Sleeping Now in mass market, the seventh book of the bestselling Rivers of London urban fantasy series returns to the adventures of Peter Grant, detective and apprentice wizard, as he solves magical crimes in the city of London. 'Lies sleeping' is supposed to be the resolution of the epic conflict at the heart of the series but it's really an anti-climactic muddle. Is this all there is, really? The villain's evil plot is never really explained, there are long stretches where nothing happens, and characters pop up and then vanish without contributing anything meaningful to the plot.

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Lies Sleeping Aaronovitch Epub

Join Peter Grant, detective and apprentice wizard, for a brand new case.Martin Chorley, aka the Faceless Man, wanted for multiple counts of murder, fraud, and crimes against humanity, has been unmasked and is on the run. Peter Grant, Detective Constable and apprentice wizard, now plays a key role in an unprecedented joint operation to bring Chorley to justice.But even as the unwieldy might of the Metropolitan Police bears down on its foe, Peter uncovers clues that Chorley, far from being finished, is executing the final stages of a long term plan. A plan that has its roots in London’s two thousand bloody years of history, and could literally bring the city to its knees.To save his beloved city Peter’s going to need help from his former best friend and colleague–Lesley May–who brutally betrayed him and everything he thought she believed in.

And, far worse, he might even have to come to terms with the malevolent supernatural killer and agent of chaos known as Mr Punch. Ah, that went by way too fast.If you're already a fan of the series, you won't be disappointed. And my, how our Peter's growing up, but without losing any of his self-deprecating irony.If you're not a fan yet, be apprised that Aaronovitch wrote for years for Doctor Who, and it very gloriously shows. You'll want to start with book #1, Rivers of London. Snag an audio copy if you can, because the audios are amazing.slideshow disclaimer: neither Banksy nor the helmet amulet figure in the book. I just really like them.


Coming back to Peter Grant is always a super-huge breath of fresh air. Every time I pick up one of these books, I know I'm going to be blown away by hugely interesting details, a very tongue-in-cheek Deputy-Constable's wry humor, and a richly imagined and described London.Oh, yeah, and Peter's a wizard. Working as a cop.Always under the bureaucratic nightmare, wishing things hadn't gone so bad with his previous partner, having sexytimes with a river. It's all GOOD.

Even the takeout and stakeouts.Aaronovitch's writing is always a freaking delight. This is one of those cases where I say, 'Ignore the overt UF overtones and feel the magic in the telling.' It's full of music, geeky humor, Latin, and enough British pluck to make you run to your mommy holding a teaspoon.Saying much more other than this is, by far and away, a police procedural with lots of great plot points and discoveries, might just give away the jig.

Suffice to say, it's quality is just as good, and delightful, as the previous ones.:)What an end! WTF is going to happen next?

When pressed, I’ll tell people I don’t like fantasy. This claim is usually followed by a list of exceptions. I like Neil Gaiman.


I like Harry Potter. I also like the Rivers of London-series by Ben Aaronovitch. The rest of the genre is, as they say, not my cup of tea. No offense to you fantasy lovers, but it just doesn’t do much for me. The suspension of disbelief required is, apparently, too big a leap.

One of the reasons I do like these books, though, is that Aaronovitch is very good at making the incredible, credible.Lies Sleeping is the seventh novel in a series that focuses on Peter Grant, an officer in London’s Metropolitan Police, who has been assigned to a special branch of the police force tasked with handling magic. Each novel has its own baddie, though one character named The Faceless Man reappears in each installment, and here, he is the main antagonist, supported by Peter’s erstwhile friend and partner Lesley. The Faceless Man is plotting something major, and it’s Peter’s job to figure out what it is before he has the chance to pull through.

This is made all the more complicated by The Faceless Man’s ability to plot and plan for every contingency, and to provide endless fake leads.What this series does well is mix fantasy and detective slash police procedural. For one, it ratchets up the tension: criminals are plotting and the heroes have to stop them. Another advantage is that it makes the story sound so much more credible, especially if you know the city of London well enough.

Aaronovitch paints London as it is: he doesn’t superimpose the magical elements, but takes urban myths and gives them a new interpretation. Auxiliary characters who are aware of magic but don’t practice it themselves show the kind of reluctance I often feel when confronted with fantasy, so that’s nice.The other thing I really like about the series is the characterisation. Peter’s a likable, funny guy with a wry sense of humour and a vast repository of knowledge of the sort that you would have if you hail from immigrant parents and grow up in a major metropole. As the series progresses, he grows more competent; learning magic, as it turns out, is mostly just a lot of practice.

His relationship with his frenemy Lesley, meanwhile, is painfully realistic: he is hurt by her betrayal yet misses her terribly. Lesley herself is interesting, too, clever and duplicitous; while she has joined the dark side, she still has a soft spot for Peter, protecting him at her own detriment and hurt by his anger and refusal to consider her motives. When they meet, their conversation quickly slips into its old familiar banter, but their mutual resentment comes through too.

Lies Sleeping Aaronovitch Epub Cover

It’s intriguing and entirely believable.Some of the novel’s characters are little more than caricatures, from the gruff Northerner police commander to the squirrely half-faery informant. Still, I didn’t mind so much; this is not high literature, and they serve their purposes.My only major issue with these novel is that they have a tone problem.

Most of the time, they are light-hearted and merrily skip along from lead to lead, right up until the point where babies are flung out the window and innocent bystanders’ heads explode. It’s as if the author is afraid his audience will bail if he makes things too serious.

Lies Sleeping Aaronovitch Epub Torrent

It seems to get better in later installments, but it’s never completely gone.Nevertheless, though, I really enjoy this series and the deft way in which Aaronovitch captures the proverbial spirit of the city into literal spirits. If, like me, you’re not a big fan of the fantasy genre but you’re willing to step outside of your comfort zone, please take the plunge. You won’t regret it.Filed Under:, Tagged With:,.