Rpg Maker Mv Damage Formula

20.10.2019by admin
Rpg Maker Mv Damage Formula Average ratng: 3,6/5 8644 reviews
Rpg maker mv resourcesRpg Maker Mv Damage Formula

I’ve seem an in the RPG Maker Web forums today: the ability to set up custom damage formulas for Poisons and similar states effects.By default on the RPG Maker MV editor, you can easily set up a state effect that deals damage (or heals) every turn, but the number can only be based on a percentage of the character maxHP.That’s pretty limitating. Effects that cause a%damage in RPGs are pretty much always problematic: if its any meaningful%, every kind of boss has to be immune against it (or else it gets completely overpowered against them).

This is a subreddit focused on discussing RPG Maker. This includes any version from 95 to MV to any of the console titles. In the sub, you can post:-Tips and Guides regarding the program.-Games and projects made by users of RPG Maker.-Resources for your project-Discussions about the program and/or games made with it. 17 thoughts on “ Equip Comparison Upgrade – MV Plugin ” Dubya December 18, 2016 at 3:48 AM. Brilliant plug-in, there definitely needed to be a way to do this. Someone was developing something like this but this is much simpler and effective.

If its a small%, it’s useless.So being able to set a damage formula, like the ones we use for general skills, make sense.This seemed like it would be a pretty straight-forward plugin to code. Well, it turned out to be a rehash, for me, of how the GameAction and GameItem classes work, and I’m pretty sure I still implemented everything in an extremely clunky way (even more so the way I handled sprites update for damage numbers).I’m pretty sure I’ll come back to this script sometime down the road and basically re-do everything in a cleaner, more functional way. Also, I already know some parameters and functionalities that I want to add to it, in the future. For now, I need to focus on my, so the only support I’ll be able to give to this one here will be bug fixing.Anyway, onwards to the results:It supports the following arguments in the Note field:., defaults to 1., defaults to 0., if present this means that the state will heal instead of damage.Download.

I’ve been dealing with a conundrum in my: status effects. Or, to be more precise, their durations.In a standard, non-ATB, battle, status effects marked to be removed during the end of a turn are pretty-straight forward and follow those guidelines:.

They are generally applied on resolution of some action – i.e: after the use of “Guard” or the casting of “Poison”, etc, is complete. At the end of a turn, after every Battler, including party member and troop enemies, has acted, the game subtracts 1 turn from the duration of every state and checks if any status effects on any Battler has a duration left of 0 turns. Those that do are removed.So, if Therese uses the default Guard skill, that applies the Guard state for 1 turn and is marked to be removed at the end of a turn: she’ll gain that state and keep it until after everyone else has acted in this turn. At the end of the turn, its duration will be subtracted from 1 to 0, and it will be removed.Well, in an ATB we have a problem.

Turns are no longer rounds where everyone gets to act, so I presented a parameter called End-of-Turn Effects that could be used to simulate “turns” for status effects and such, based on the fixed Turn Timer. But I made it disabled by default – and, with it disabled, “end of turn” happened as soon a Battler finished its action.So if, in my ATB with default parameters, Therese used Guard, what would happen would be the following: she would cast the skill, gain the Guard state, then her turn would end, the Guard state would be reduced to 0 and it would be removed. Instantly, basically, she would never get to use it.At first I proposed that the duration of such status effects could be increased by 1, as the end result would be the desired effect. It would last until her next action. I later even hard-coded that in a way: I made status effects last until they reach -1 instead of 0, effectively lasting one more turn.But after further consideration, this isn’t the right approach.Rewind back to the RPG Maker MV Database editor for States, and let’s remember that we have this:This option is actually of relatively little relevance for the standard RPG Maker combat. It defines whether a state duration should be checked at the end of the turn or at the end of the action.One may notice that, with my default plugin settings, “end of turn” and “end of action” are actually the same thing. That was my primary mistake here.

My default parameter should be to have those two be different things, and “End of Turn” effects should take place and the end of the turn timer indeed.That option to differentiate states that should be cleaned at “Turn End” vs “Action End” becomes very relevant for my ATB System, if we use the concept of turn timer for turns and keep actions just for actions. To make it all work, we just need to extend their differentiation a bit: “Action End” effects will count down not at turn end, but at action end; while “Turn End” effects will count down at the end of our virtual turns.Because, this way, the entire system start making sense. Do you want a Stun to last for 1 action? Set it to 11 and Action End. Do you want Poison to last for a fixed time, independent of how many action that might be?

Set it for 55 and Turn End. Do you want Guard to last through the end of your current action, until your next one?

Set it for 22 and Action End.Speaking of poison, there do is a related question here: should Regeneration and Poison effects happen at Turn End or at Action? Up until now, this decision was tied to the same parameter that handled status effects, but now I’m separating it so that the Maker is free to chose how he prefers those effects to work.I realize now that there never was a “bug” regarding states and my plugin; instead there was a bad choice of default parameters and my unwillingness to accept that a item from the default database would need to be changed to work properly in my combat.In conclusion:. I’m reversing the last “fix” I did for state effects, because it was never a real fix.

Note: This plugin is a part of the OctoPack Battler plugin set. Please keep in mind if you purchase this plugin, it will not deduct the price from the OctoPack Battler Sample Project if you wish to buy it later.This is a RPG Maker MV plugin that changes the UI of the battle system to something more minimalistic. The menus are placed towards the player's party to let the player focus their attention to the center of the screen instead of to the lower ledges of the screen.This plugin best works in a game with a higher resolution. I recommend a 16:9 screen ratio of roughly 1280x720 size. If you want to change your game screen's resolution, please use Yanfly's Core Engine plugin:The status menu is also reworked to reduce the amount of lag produced by the game system.

Without this plugin, RPG Maker MV's battle system produces a lot of lag and uses too many resources by constantly redrawing the status window every turn. This causes the game's FPS to drop a lot.

Rpg Maker Mv Damage Formula 1

This plugin changes the times needed to update the status window and only when it needs to do so.This is the FPS without the UI plugin at turn startThis is the FPS with the UI plugin at turn startThis plugin requires because it uses a lot of functions from the Battle Engine Core to optimize and reduce the amount of lag produced by the battle system and to calculate the window positions. If you do not have this plugin, go here to download it from Yanfly's website: Plugin ParametersPlugin parameters can be changed to customize your battle's appearance. Please go over each one carefully.Position Actors: Position actor sprites on the screen using the formula below? This overrides the formula used in Yanfly's Battle Engine Core and Row Formation so turn this off if you want to use those settings instead.Formula for X: Formula used for X screen positionFormula for Y: Formula used for Y screen positionPosition Enemies: Position enemy sprites on the screen using the formula below?