Runas /user:administrator C:\windows\explorer.exe Sysdm.cpl

03.11.2019by admin
Runas /user:administrator C:\windows\explorer.exe Sysdm.cpl Average ratng: 3,6/5 3292 reviews

Oct 12, 2018  Hi all. I work in a domain environment where we log in with standard accounts for day-to-day work and use separate elevated accounts only when needed, and only to run applications that require elevation. This works fine for most things in 8.1, but once again, Microsoft has disabled the ability. Hi, Have you tried the change the regsitry settings. But I have another computer I have IE 7 on and it won't let me do it there, I also can't get Windows Explorer to open with the runas command. So basically I want to go to Run type in 'Runas /user:Admin '.Open control panel'.enter. and put in my password. And there it is, ready for me to use. I can use any help you guys can offer.

  1. Runas /user:administrator C: Windows Explorer.exe Sysdm.cpl Key
  2. Runas /user:administrator C: Windows Explorer.exe Sysdm.cpl Mac

I can get this code to work for a 'runas.' Currently, I have several programs launching with Admin credentials and they have no problem.

I have 'runas' running via the Target field on the shortcut itself, but one of the programs we run doesn't like this option.When the 'runas' exe runs, it opens the ZZZ.exe file fine. However, the ZZZ.exe program doesn't like the path that is now being used because it tried to execute the database information in the 'C:WindowsSystem32' directory instead of the 'C:Program FilesXXXXXYYYZZZ.exe' directory.I simply have runas /savecred /user:administrator 'C:Program FilesXXXXXYYYZZZ.exe', but the above mentioned information happens. So, I tried to launch this from a.bat file, and I get the same result.which I expected.Does anyone know of a way to script this in a.bat file so that I can have the credentials/file directory information for 'runas' flushed/purged somehow before the code for ZZZ.exe is executed by runas? I hope that makes sense? I know this seems strange, but is is simply bad programming, IMO for the software that I am trying to launch.runas /savecred /user:administrator 'C:Program FilesXXXXXYYYZZZ.exe'Select all.

Thanks, Qlemo. That worked.almost. Your suggestion works, and I can't believe I didn't think of it, but there is one hang-up. Basically, the short-cut has the.exe starting in.YYYY.ZZZ.exe; wheras, the actual databases are in the XXXXX directory. On the shortcut 'Startin:' textbox the program 'startsin' the XXXXX directory.

I know, this seems like poor coding to me also, but I am wondering if there is a way to tell the script to do a 'startin' such as is done when ran from a shortcut? I tried to creating a shortcut to the batch file and adding the proper 'Startin' information there, but it didn't work.

Thanks for the help. Sorry if I am being confusing because I really am not trying to be.

To start from scratch, with as much information as possible, I am looking at this:Users log in locally with the local administrator account. This obviously is a big no-no, but since this is now my job, I want to restrict this as much as possible. So, I have adjusted just about every program shortcut, that needs it, to do a 'runas' from the shortcut Target text box.

All programs run perfectly this way, except one program.The main.exe runs in a seperate folder from where most of the other files are ran from, including the databases the program ZZZ.exe needs to communicate with. This folder is one level down from those files and it executes from the following folder structure:C:Program FilesXXXXXYYYYThe files and databases reside in:C:Program FilesXXXXXThe code you gave me earlier ran perfectly from a batch file that I created. However, when the program actually runs as a Power User, it gives me errors that the files in C:Program FilesXXXXXYYYY cannot be accessed. Well, the files aren't in.YYYY, they reside in.XXXXX.The way the original shortcut is created, it allows the original 'Target:' to be:C:Program FilesXXXXXYYYYZZZ.exebut the 'Startin:' is set to:C:Program FilesXXXXXThis runs perfectly from an Admin login. However, the Power User accounts tell me that ZZZ.exe cannot be found. The bacth file DOES run as an Admin though.

So, I am assuming that the missing variable is something in the batch file that does the same thing as original shortcut in that it allows a 'Startin' line of code/variable. This could be a wrong assumption on my part, but it seems logical to me because the original file needs to be executed, and while your line of code does that, it doesn't redirect the 'Startin' or at least it appears that way.The other successful programs that run with the runas in the shortcut itself all run from the same directory, so there are no issues with them.I hope that is more clear this time around.Thanks again for all the help everyone.


Do the power users have access to xxxx?My main issue with runas is that regardless of how you attempt this, you're going to expose the admin credentials anyway - thus, why not let the users continue to log in as admins?That said though, and to try to get this working, I think you'll need the batch file. Reason is that you have to change to the XXX folder first, 'then' call the program's exe - and that has to be done in the same shell - your example below uses two separate instances:runas /savecred /user:administrator 'cmd /c cd /d C:Program FilesXXXXXYYYY'start 'ZZZ' /D 'C:Program FilesXXXXX' 'ZZZ.exe'So, try this instead:@echo off cd /d c:program filesxxxxx runas /savecred /user:administrator yyyyzzz.exeSelect all. I will try that, and I am working on remoting in now to try it, however is there a better way to run a program that needs admin rights to run but without exposing the credentials?I am aware of what you speak of, the saved credentials making it possible for anything running with admin credentials to run automatically, but I do not know of a better and more proper way to do this with coding of a program that specifies that the program being ran HAS to have admin rights.

In my opinion, this is sometimes avoidable and sometimes night depending on who is coding and what they are coding. I am not a proigrammer, so I could be speaking out of my butt, but that seems to be the case with most programs. I would gladly run this a different way, preferably secure, if you have any suggestions.I will let you know how it goes with what you have provided though. Thanks again for the help. After re-reading the posts, I had forgotten to try this:runas /savecred /user:administrator 'cmd /c cd /d C:Program FilesXXXXX & YYYYZZZ.exe'This works! Export markups bluebeam 2018 release. Way to go on that find.


However, it is almost complete because there is a DOS window that stay open, even after closing the app. In the title bar, it has the entire path: runas /savecred /user:administrator 'cmd /c cd /d C:Program FilesXXXXX & YYYYZZZ.exe'. If I close this manually, the app continues to function as normal, and it also stays up after closing the app.After the code executes and the app opens, is there a way to close this window?Thanks!

Seeing these reminds me of a very old rootkit detection program called Rootkit Revealer. Do you recall running that on your system there?S1 azhkecbg;??C:Windowssystem32driversazhkecbg.sys XS1 fjbiujdt;??C:Windowssystem32driversfjbiujdt.sys XS1 ruvybyxt;??C:Windowssystem32driversruvybyxt.sys XS1 vuujkqel;??C:Windowssystem32driversvuujkqel.sys X-There is very little web info on a file there that runs during startup that I would like to check out.Make sure you can. Also uncheck 'Hide Extensions for Known File Types'Navigate (right click Computer, left click Open) to the following folder:C:UsersUserAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsIE Update TapiUnattend.exeIf you locate it, then just zip a copy of it, and send it to as an attachment. Please place 'Submitted Files - bai' as the email Subject.-Go to Start - Control Panel - Programs - Programs and Features/Uninstall, then click on each of the following programs, if they show there, and click 'Uninstall/Change'.Search App by Ask - Homepage and search hijacker.Bing Bar - Resource waste.Comodo Dragon - Comodo started out as an adware/spyware toolbar vendor, just like the Ask App. Then they started buying other programs, putting their name on it, and passing them around. I honestly do not feel Comodo has gone very far from their roots, and suggest against keeping this.McAfee Security Scan Plus - Ad program for McAfee - does nothing.Mozilla Maintenance Service - Resource waste.-Download Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit (MBAR) from.Unzip downloaded file, and wait for MBar to open. If it doesn't, open the folder where the contents were unzipped to your desktop and run mbar.exe.Follow the instructions in the wizard to update and allow the program to scan your computer for threats.Click on the Cleanup button to remove any threats and reboot if prompted to do so.When done, please post the two logs produced they will be in the MBAR folder.

Runas /user:administrator C: Windows Explorer.exe Sysdm.cpl Key

Mbar-log-xxxxx.txt and system-log.txt. The TapiUnattend.exe of interest would only have been in the file path I requested.Click and download the esetsmartinstallerenu.exe Eset installer.

Runas /user:administrator C: Windows Explorer.exe Sysdm.cpl Mac

Then click that file to run the scanner.If you accept the Terms of Use, check the box and click Start. It will take a couple minutes for the scanner to get ready. When the Computer scan settings display shows, place a check next to 'Enable detection of potentially unwanted applications'.Then click Start.If infection is found, at the end of the scan click 'List of found threats'.In that display, at the bottom, select the option to save the results as a text file, and save that to your desktop. Post that back here please.

Run RogueKiller again, and post that log please.Click and download the installer for Gmer to your desktop, then click that file to run Gmer.Once the opening scan finishes, click on Scan (again, before scanning, make sure all other running programs are closed and no other actions like a scheduled antivirus scan will occur while this scan completes. Also do not use your computer during the scan).When completed, click on the Copy button and rightclick on your Desktop, choose 'New' Text document. Once the file is created, open it and rightclick again and choose Paste. Copy the information and post it here please.